صوت ستيريو بلوتوث TWS Bt5.0
صوت ستيريو بلوتوث TWS Bt5.0
نقدم أول سماعات أذن لاسلكية حقيقية صغيرة للتوصيل العظمي ، متوفرة حصريًا من MerlinDaily.com. تعد سماعات الأذن هذه تقنية مبتكرة وثورية ستغير الطريقة التي تستمع بها إلى الموسيقى الخاصة بك وإجراء المكالمات إلى الأبد.
مع تقنية التوصيل العظمي ، تستخدم سماعات الأذن هذه الاهتزازات لنقل الصوت مباشرة إلى أذنك الداخلية. على عكس سماعات الأذن التقليدية التي توضع في أذنك ، فإن سماعات الأذن ذات التوصيل العظمي الخاصة بنا تقع خارج قناة أذنك مباشرةً ، مما يسمح بالراحة والأمان أثناء الاستخدام. إنها خفيفة الوزن بشكل لا يصدق ، مما يجعلها مريحة للارتداء لفترات طويلة. كما أن التصميم الأنيق والمضغوط يجعلها سهلة الحمل ، مما يجعلها مثالية للاستخدام أثناء التدريبات أو التنقل.
جودة صوت سماعات الأذن هذه لا مثيل لها. توفر تقنية التوصيل العظمي صوتًا فائق الوضوح لا يُسمعه المستخدم فحسب ، بل يتيح لك أيضًا سماع محيطك. يعد هذا مثاليًا لأولئك الذين يرغبون في الاستماع إلى الموسيقى بينما لا يزالون على دراية بمحيطهم.
تم تجهيز سماعات الأذن اللاسلكية المصغرة ذات التوصيل العظمي أيضًا بتقنية Bluetooth 5.0 ، مما يسمح بالاتصال السهل بهاتفك أو بأجهزة أخرى . تتوافق سماعات الأذن مع كل من أجهزة iOS و Android ، وتوفر البطاريات ما يصل إلى 8 ساعات من الاستماع بشحنة واحدة.
لا تفوت هذه التقنية الجديدة المذهلة من MerlinDaily.com. اطلب زوجًا من سماعات الأذن اللاسلكية ذات التوصيل العظمي المصغرة اليوم واستمتع بتجربة مستقبل تكنولوجيا الصوت بنفسك!
معلومات المنتج:
رقم المقالة: BT-980
نطاق الإرسال: 10 متر
الوظائف: التوصيل العظمي ، عرض الطاقة ، وظيفة الاتصال ، دعم الموسيقى ، اتصال متعدد النقاط
بروتوكول Bluetooth: 5.2
القناة: ستيريو
الاستخدام: نوع Lavalier
اللون: أسود BT-980 ، أبيض BT-980
المدة: 12 (ساعة)
الحجم: 60x43x50 مم ، حجم صندوق الشحن 30 * 24 * 36 مم
قائمة التعبئة:
زوج مضيف x1 ، حاوية شحن 1 ، كبل USB x1 ، تعليمات x1 ، حزمة x1
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Merlin 24X7 Support
Link in Bio for instant messaging to our back office team
Established in 1998, Dubai-based Merlin Digital is a consumer electronics company with a global presence. For over 25 years, Merlin Digital has been dedicated to making a smarter world through technologically innovative offerings that today span smart mobility solutions, multimedia products, wearable fitness devices, digital surveillance, and 3D display solutions. Our flagship products lead the regional high-tech electronics and digital media market. Through innovative, reliable products and services, and collaboration with partners and customers, Merlin is dedicated to creating a smarter world through smart technology.
We have deeply rooted ourselves as UAE's most preferred consumer electronics brand. Our ever-expanding offerings of lifestyle products and gadgets are at the forefront, and feature some of the fastest-growing segments in consumer electronics. Today, our extensive offerings span Projectors, Robots, Drones, Virtual Reality, Speakers, Headphones, Smart Home Devices.
The company has recently expanded into health care, vertical farming and real estate.
Merlin GreenMagic Homes and Merlin Real Estate are two companies that are wholly dedicated to promoting sustainability through their housing and real estate development. These companies are committed to creating homes and communities with environmental responsibility in mind. Their houses are constructed with green building materials and are designed to be energy-efficient and long-lasting. They also prioritize the use of renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and geothermal. Additionally, Merlin GreenMagic Homes and Merlin Real Estate focus on creating sustainable communities that are walkable and bike-friendly, with access to public transportation, green spaces, and local amenities. They are committed to preserving the environment and natural resources, as well as promoting economic development and social equity. By creating sustainable homes and communities, these companies are helping to reduce the environmental impacts of housing and real estate development, while also providing a healthier, more livable environment for the people who inhabit them.
We're also excited to announce the opening of our brand new External Counterpulsation (ECP) Center in Dubai, located adjacent to Merlin Farms! Our state-of-the-art facility offers the latest technology in ECP therapy, a non-invasive treatment for improving blood flow and enhancing the overall function of your cardiovascular system.
At our center, we believe in a holistic approach to health and wellness, which is why we're thrilled to offer visitors complimentary organic juices with every ECP therapy session. Our juices are made with fresh, nutrient-rich ingredients and are the perfect complement to your ECP therapy.
Whether you're managing a heart condition, recovering from a cardiac event, or simply interested in improving your overall heart health, our ECP therapy sessions are designed to help you feel your best. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff will ensure that you get the most out of your therapy sessions, and our comfortable and relaxing environment will leave you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.
Visit us at our new center in Dubai today and experience the benefits of ECP therapy for yourself. Book your first session now and start your journey towards better heart health!
Warranty Included
Share expert tips on how to use this product or pair it with other items.
MerlinDaily.com (“MerlinDaily”) warrants to the original purchaser that products purchased from MerlinDaily.com will be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of purchase, provided the product is used in accordance with all instructions, warnings and recommendations provided in the product’s packaging and/or on our website.This warranty does not cover normal wear and tear or damages caused by misuse, abuse, or accidents.
If the product fails to function as warranted during the warranty period, MerlinDaily will, at its sole discretion and option, either repair or replace the product at no charge, provided that the customer has complied with all instructions, warnings, and recommendations provided in the product’s packaging and/or on our website.
In the event that a product is returned during the warranty period, the customer must contact MerlinDaily’s Customer Service Department to obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number prior to returning the product. The customer is responsible for all costs associated with returning the product for repair or replacement, including, but not limited to, shipping costs.
This warranty does not cover any other costs, expenses, or damages associated with the product, including, but not limited to, loss of profits, loss of use, inconvenience, or any other incidental or consequential damages.
MerlinDaily reserves the right to modify this warranty at any time, without notice and without any liability to customers.
This warranty is governed by and construed under the laws of the United States of America and the laws of the State of California, without regard to conflict of laws principles. This warranty is effective as of the date of purchase.
Download the Merlin AI App
The Merlin Global Group has announced the release of their new Merlin AI App, now available on the Google and Apple app stores. Powered by the latest advancements in Artificial Intelligence technology, the Merlin AI App is set to revolutionize the way individuals and businesses view, interact and invest in our technology platform
Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.merlindaily
Apple - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id6447600040
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